Wednesday, February 29, 2012

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Friday, February 17, 2012

       Laptop  Computer  for  business

Some of my acquaintance have approached me, whether it is desktop  computer or laptop is good for business.  Depend on its perspective,  desktop and laptop computer have its own advantages and disadvantages;    The greatest advantage of laptop is that they are portable and convenient,  anytime you want to use your computer,  whether  you are out of your office or you are out of your residence,  you can    have acesss to your computer without second thought.
               Another point for laptop computer is that company on the move are their biggest fan, The company can rent numerous laptops during seminar, trade fair, or even employee training.  Even if a company have its own computer,  it is definitely better off renting a laptop as these are wireless devices and can be taken anywhere.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Friday, January 27, 2012

Choosing the right computer

Choosing the Right Computer and IT Solutions Provider for Your Business By []Kathryn Lively As your business grows, so will the need to update your equipment to ensure that you can offer your clients and customers the professional service they require at a reasonable turnaround. The challenge with operating a business that relies upon Internet and computer connectivity is that new innovations tend to appear faster than many of us can keep up! If you are currently in the market for a new business telephone and Internet system, you will want to work with a company that stays on the pulse of the digital age and is available for training and troubleshooting. Typical services your communications provider will offer your may include: VoIP Telephone Installation - VoIP, or voice over IP, is a popular solution for businesses interested in integrating their phone systems with their existing or upgraded Internet. With a VoIP telephone setup, all telephone communication is handled via the Internet rather than through phone lines. This means that your business could save money in the long because there will be less cabling involved. Data Security Services - Business IT solutions will provide you with sound, quality data protection, enabling you to work worry-free. This will include installation and updating of virus software across the network, services to back up your data, and anti-hacking measures. E-Mail Services - E-mail is important to your business, and working with an IT company allows you to obtain an efficient e-mail service that blocks unwanted junk messages from your company inboxes. Employees should also be able to access mail via mobile devices when they are off-site. Internet Conferencing - Thanks to video conferencing, your business can expand as you shorten the distance between you and out of town clients. Quality conferencing makes for crystal clear video and sound as you conduct business via online video. Network Design - If you have ideas beyond cookie-cutter business Internet setups you may find that a custom integration for your company works best. You will want to consult with an IT company to learn about your options. The IT company you choose should also be adept at handling emergency outages, periodic inspections of your company's firewall and virus applications, and regular data restores in the event of problems. Especially if your data resides on your own server, you want a company that can take care of any related repairs. The more work done online by your business, the more crucial an IT company is to keeping it running. Kathryn Lively is a freelance writer specializing in articles on []Norfolk business Internet services and []Norfolk business telephone services. Article Source: [] Choosing the Right Computer and IT Solutions Provider for Your Business

Thursday, January 26, 2012

How to achieve financial freedom

3 Steps To Financial Security By []John Anghelache Unless you're born with a "silver spoon" in your mouth you'll probably have to work to achieve your dreams. In the current economy, financial security is at a premium. Record unemployment, bankruptcies (both personal and business), a housing slump that continues to stall economic growth and a rather gloomy consumer outlook is keeping the majority of Americans wondering if their financial situation will ever improve. Here are three things you can do to gain a toe-hold on financial security: One: Make yourself more valuable to your customers or employer. If you run a business (providing a service or product) one of the most important things you can do is offer special deals, incentives and added-value bonuses to customers. Work your "house list" consistently with product and service offers that benefit the customers. A simple way to do this is to customize product and service offers to niches within your customer base if it makes sense. For example, if you sell insurance, maybe you can niche an insurance product offer just to all the clients on your list who are police officers... or dentists... or whatever. If you're an employee, you can make yourself more valuable by providing the business you work for with what all businesses need more of: more customers, more sales and more profits. You could, for example, find out what product or service sells best. Then find other non-competing businesses you can form joint ventures with. And sell your company's wares to their customers. Deals like these are done all the time. And they result in extra profits. You can negotiate the deal and get a cut of the profits. Two: Spend money more intelligently. This may sound obvious but if makes no difference how much money you make if you can't keep it. Countless news stories have appeared about wealthy people lived beyond their means and ended up broke. The smart thing is to live below your income but within your needs. Make this step a habit and you'll always have at least some money available for a rainy day. Three: Change your consciousness (a.k.a. your thinking) about money. People who enjoy security and success with money "think" differently than people who struggle. The quality of your thinking determines the amount of money in your bank account. So it's critical to learn how to "think" about money. Probably the most impactful thing you can do is dump out all your negativity about money. That includes bad money habits, limiting beliefs and feelings of insecurity. The more you purge your consciousness of the self-sabotaging thoughts you have towards money the more easily money will flow to you. John Anghelache writes about a simple process called "releasing" that can help anyone achieve []Financial Security or any goal. You can read more about it by visiting Article Source: [] 3 Steps To Financial Security

Small business is the engine of growth for the economy

The Real State of the Economy - Small Business the Economic Engine

The Real State of the Economy - Small Business the Economic Engine
By Richard S Pearson

We are all ready for good economic and jobs news, but it unfortunately is not even on the horizon. The US Chamber of Commerce released its annual survey of small businesses today. Just for perspective, small businesses in the US have created two-thirds of all new jobs in the past two decades. They are this country's growth engine. Uncertainty continues to be the biggest challenge for small businesses in the latest findings:

85% say the country is headed on the wrong track, with only 12% indicating they will add new workers. This is the same percentage as last summer.

78% say taxes, regulations, and other government policies make it harder to do business and grow.

74% say the new Healthcare Law makes it harder for them to hire new employees.

86% say they would rather have more certainty from Washington than more assistance (6%) to deal with the economy.

34% believe the business climate will improve in the next 2 years, but have yet to resume hiring.

The total number of jobs available in the US has declined by 2 million since President Obama took office. We saw a glimmer of hope with the unemployment rate drop to 8.5% last month, with 200,000 new jobs added. But 373,000 discouraged workers dropped out of the labor force that month muting any improvement. One bright spot was the Healthcare sector, which added 315,000 new jobs during the past year. Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Liberal politicians call for more government spending to stimulate the economy but the last $787 billion (that's billion not million) doesn't appear to have helped. The President was caught on camera joking about so-called shovel ready jobs - which evidently did not really exist. President Obama's fiscal 2011 budget will generate nearly $10 trillion in cumulative budget deficits over the next 10 years, $1.2 trillion more than the administration projected, and raise the federal debt to 90 percent of the nation's economic output by 2020, the Congressional Budget Office reported. The unnerving part of this report is that this is including the budget cutbacks proposed by the President! We are in such a deep hole that it is next to impossible to even tax our way out of it at this point.

We, as a country, must seriously look at a balanced budget amendment. We are headed to become another Greece fiscally speaking - only on a monstrous scale - without any other country or countries able to bail us out. It will require some tough choices but for the sake of the next generation we better get our act together soon.

Richard S. Pearson is the Author of 5 Necessary Skills to Keep Your Career on Track, 2nd edition, available on Amazon. He has held vice-president positions with four multibillion dollar travel industry companies and three Internet early stage companies. He has a BA degree from Regis University in Organizational Development. His experience has given him a unique perspective on how to navigate the organizational structures of both large and small companies. He has hired and trained hundreds of employees from frontline salespeople to vice presidents, and coached many through their careers. He is currently working on facilitating the large increase of travel between the US and China, which is taking place.

Article Source:

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

about me

Hello,  my name is luis,  an aspiring online entrepreneur on the internet. More and more people are flocking to the internet for answer to some of their questions or shopping for some interesting products.  They also found out that they can communicate with other persons in far away places through social media.